
President Hassan affirms commitment to democracy, ready to accept defeat in polls

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He reaffirmed his commitment to federalism, stating that he has been a strong supporter of the system and has made significant contributions to its development.

Somalia President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud addressed his commitment to democracy, state building, and the ongoing war against Al-Shabaab on Wednesday as he marked Eid celebrations.

While leading Eid ul-Fitr prayers at the Isbahysiga Mosque, President Hassan reaffirmed his commitment to federalism, stating that he has been a strong supporter of the system and has made significant contributions to its development. He emphasised the importance of democratic processes.

"Somalis should prepare themselves for one person, one vote. If the voters reject me, I am ready to leave office, just as I did previously when I lost and accepted defeat, even when there were no popular elections... I made a pledge to the Somali people that they would never be ruled by a person they had not elected. That is the promise I am holding on to fulfil as the President of the Republic,” he said.

"Let us give the Somalis the opportunity to decide and elect who they want," he added.

President Hassan served as Somalia's president between 2012 and 2017, but lost to Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo. He was, however, re-elected in 2022 following an intense contest.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud joins faithful at the Isbahysiga Mosque for Eid celebrations. (Villa Somalia)

Al-Shabaab fight

The President further expressed confidence in Somalia's strength and preparedness to defeat the militant group and his commitment to ensuring democracy prevails at the ballot.

President Hassan expressed his confidence in Somalia's ability to triumph over the militant group, emphasising the country's growing strength and preparedness.

Launched in June 2022, the Somali government's military operation against Al-Shabaab has made significant gains in Central Somalia, coinciding with President Hassan's speech.

The operation has been bolstered by community support and foreign assistance and aims to extend its military presence into Al-Shabaab's strongholds.

"We are stronger, better equipped, and mentally better prepared for this war," President Hassan said. "I pay tribute to our Somali national army, which has made enormous sacrifices in the fight against Al-Shabaab."

He urged Al-Shabaab fighters to lay down their arms and join the community in stabilising the country.

"Stop killing civilians and give up your futile war. Join your people and community in building a stable Somalia," he said.

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